It's always funny how different we are all over the world n yet tend to have an unceasing tendency of similarity. Often we hate each other on account of our variety but in real sense we are so alike it hurts, one would pray for something new, a new variety. The case at hand has been one that's uniquely close to our in the Queer community! Wide as we may be and as different as may be our backgrounds & surroundings, there are some cases that keep following us despite it all. Such a case that has recently caught my sight, all over is one of Gay cons, thieves, black mailers & muggers.
Cases of these crimes have been prevalent in numerous societies from time immemorial. From the surface it doesn't show or proof to be as widespread but the real stories beneath the covers are as dirty as the word itself. Recently my attention was attracted to the situation when I bumped into an online post reporting such a case: the case was in East Africa an urban neighborhood where a group of young Gay men conspire to wreck havoc on their unsuspecting counterparts. The cases are vividly described and some of the victims giving evidence of money transfers & pictures of the assailants. The stories start as easily as a simple innocent search for a date/hook-up in the social networks, an area where most Queer folk thrive due to public bashing. Meetings are scheduled and the lovebirds have a wonderful time out..... One thing leads to another and they end up heading out to the unsuspecting dupe's home. This is where all hell breaks loose, and the victim finds himself at loss;either drugged waking up hours later or held down and threatened to give all among others......
This might have taken place recently but it doesn't mean it's unique to the upcoming African States, it's all too common in the West too. Anyway I tried to critically look into the whole psychology affecting the cases, why the young Gays are so untrustworthy and such liars. I am not pointing to the normal guy lies, am talking of the almost pathological lies the Gay man is associated with.... So bad that most of the time you mention 'Gay community' most people would quickly think of all the deceit that stems from that society. Tarnishing the whole community's image on the face of society. Why? Why is that so?
The 'Gay men magazines' has come up with part of the most pressing issue affecting the Gay community in every society; not saying they are the only ones!
1.The Gay man has been subjected to a lot of hate & discrimination from society & even worse their own family. As a result the gay man ends up feeling alone all through their lives, hence whatever decision they make is tempered with a tinge of self-preservation. The end product is a man who would think of himself before any noble or un-noble cause.
2. Gayism has been magnified to something it's not! It has since changed from just a sexual preference to a lifestyle, pardon, more of a disease that no one wants to be associated with. Some people are thieves, some are conmen but when one is mentioned to be GAY...... It's woooow how dare he? How could he be? Now I ask, why is that so? Why is it such a big deal to be a Queer man? If one is born and naturally grows into being Gay, then why is it so foreign to find an aged Queer man? I don't know whether it's religious brain wash, or general myopia or maybe just moving by the general waft.
3. The Gay community is usually a small society, closely knit, where everyone knows everyone. From a background of hiding and deceit, most of the individuals get into this society and plunge for the first time into a cosy existence. And as ignorant as they are they delve into it head-first, often falling into 'not so good' behaviors and tendencies.
Sad thing is that whatever bad tendencies they develop they practice them on the same people they are around! Making a very ugly picture of the Gay community. Hence the Gay on Gay Bashing prevails in such crude ways as these. Sad truly sad.
LGBTI stand together!