Hot Gay Men

    AND NOW HE WALKS IN, the Hottest Gay man!.. Melting away all my worries and Disappointments. A bulging chest, curvy muscles well pronounced, you
Would think him a delicately hand crafted masterpiece from ancient
Greece. His bulging arms tip the scales to perfection and the adjacent
Abs don't really help to mild the effect that is him! A well chiseled
Man, godly. As I stare, weakened neck down, picturing his shirt
Off...I could only imagine how I would ride that all night long,my muscular
Gay man!
    Yes that’s my fantasy, I said it! The Gay man and muscle! We all
know we just adore our bodies and invest a lot of time and dime into
perfecting them. Scheduling a much needed gym session time and time again,
and getting the 'bufest' trainer to help curve our temples. We are all
familiar with this, so much so that Hollywood has had a field-day recreating
this particular fantasy. So natural, so justified and
simply made, we wants to be THE HOT GAY MAN! A weakness we all suffer from.
   This got me thinking, and I decided to get answers, so I set out to
my 'field study' in my all-time fun world; The gym! I know, I know, I
really did work hard with extensive breaks of course *wink*. More like
admiring my future self.
     How to build muscles? Lean muscles for that! Exactly how does
that work? Are some of the questions that the Gay Men ask themselves on a
daily basis. All guys, as a matter of fact! So the formula isn't so different
for Gay Guys working out. After all our humanly functions are the
same. If you object await the next release.
      Many hear says have been broadcast all over the net and other
information hubs. We all know of the so much publicised steroids, mass
gainers and numerous vitamin and minerals that people are advised to
take, basically the whole pills and protein powder regiment, brrrh,chills!
I know therein among all this lies some truth, but it’s staggering how many people
are misled and pay dearly for taking advice from such unfounded info.
My take is simple Do the right thing.
    "garbage in, garbage out!"
    That is the simplest way to put it, to help the many brothers out there being
Mislead by the many false reviews.
       To build lean muscle you have to develop a schedule that grows
them. A fully balanced diet goes a long way, the more natural the
better, and not just a simple balance a rich balanced diet. If you want
to grow muscles fast you will need to put in a lot of caution. Taking in
Fibers/carbohydrates and liquids gives your body raw materials to work with.
Liquids smoothen the whole metabolism
Process, water is the best all time but there comes a time when the body needs
An injection of hydrolytes, here sodas and energy drinks come in handy.
Proteins offer the building blocks whereas vitamins and
minerals fortify the body that is so worked on. Why not get the body
you crave for? Build your abs to perfect shape without fear and worry of it not working
out or worse work out wrongly.
     One of the worst outcomes of bad attempts to building muscles, of course from misinformation,
Is the uneven growth of muscle, mostly from bad work out methods! And the worst is
 the sporadic growth of muscle that leaves a strain on one’s body, creating a bad scenario as if the body skin didn’t grow in tern with the muscles. Muscles bulging is XXX but
muscle stretching out of the skin is a NO! NO! The most informative guide to building muscles
fast and safely. A step by step, confirmed and tried by professionals guide, information-filled.